Hospital Furniture

Things to Check When Buying Good Quality Hospital Furniture

A hospital without proper infrastructure is nothing but a mere building. A well-equipped hospital must have bespoke furniture that is durable, highly functional, and suitable for medical purposes. These furnishing items are designed according to the requirements and usage. Good-quality hospital furniture ensures a safe, efficient, and comfortable environment for professionals and patients. 

If you want to buy furnishing items for the hospital, contact reliable hospital furniture manufacturers in Kolkata. 

Here are some effective tips to help you make informed decisions when buying essential furnishing. 

Factors to Consider When Buying Hospital Furniture

  1. Evaluate Your Needs

First, you need to determine the type of furniture depending on the facility’s needs and space availability. Consider the total number of patients in each department, such as bariatric, pediatric, and geriatric. Accessing each department’s bed and other furniture needs will help you determine the right number of beds and tables.

  1. Consider Quality and Durability

Choose furniture made with high-quality, durable materials like stainless steel or powder-coated metal, which ensure longevity and easy maintenance. You should also check the furniture’s robustness regarding strong joints, smooth edges, and hardware that can withstand heavy use and movement. 

  1. Compliance with Standards

When buying furniture, check whether it meets national and international healthcare standards and certifications. Choose the furnishing items with anti-microbial surfaces to maintain hygiene and prevent cross-contamination. 

  1. Check the Safety Measures

The hospital furniture must have safety features like side rails, locking wheels and emergency controls that help patients while accessing. Check whether the materials are resistant to fire and meet relevant safety guidelines. 

  1. Offer Comfort and Ergonomics

Choose the ergonomic design of beds, chairs and examination tables to enhance patient comfort during long stays. Go for the hospital furnishing with adjustable features like height, tilt, and reclining positions to accommodate various patients’ needs. 

  1. Go through Reputation and Reviews

When buying hospital furniture, check the reputation of the manufacturer. You can consider the factors like experience, customer feedback and market recognition. Check the reviews from other healthcare facilities for measuring performance and reliability. 

  1. Evaluate The Quality

You can request samples to evaluate the functionality and comfort of the furniture. You can involve healthcare staff to check the quality of furniture. 

These are some factors to check while choosing the best quality hospital furniture. Buy furnishing items that are durable, robust, customised and have safety measures. 

K R LYNCH & Co. is a leading company offering different hospital furniture. You can choose from an aluminium overbed table, baby cradle, foldable table, bedside locker, bedside screen, bowl stand, and more. Contact us to learn more. 


Importance of Medical Ventilators In The ICU

When patients are in critical condition, they may develop difficulty breathing due to underlying health issues. In such situations, medical ventilators provide lung oxygen to normalise body functions. These medical units are used for 40% of patients admitted to the ICU. They assist with breathing when the patients cannot breathe on their own. 

If you run a healthcare facility, you need good-quality ventilators for patients. Contact medical ventilator dealers in Kolkata, which offer exclusive medical devices and machines. 

Let’s explore why a ventilator is crucial for critical patients. 

Role of Medical Ventilator in ICU during Emergency Cases

Patients who suffer from respiratory diseases blocking the capacity of the lungs require ventilation. This unit works as a mechanised lung to take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Some medical complications for which patients need ventilation support include pneumonia, asthma attacks and white lungs. 

In all these respiratory problems, the lungs cannot provide the required amount of oxygen to the body. The ventilator secures the windpipe with tubes and supplies oxygen to the body. 

How Does Ventilator Work?

The ventilator works the same as the human lungs. Apart from maintaining the natural flow of air, ventilators are great for maintaining air pressure in the lungs. In certain respiratory conditions, the lung pressure requirement becomes too high. In these cases, the ventilators play a vital role. This unit assists the lungs. The ventilator is connected to the patient’s lungs by a tight-fitting face mask or with the help of a tube fitted in the patient’s windpipe via nose/mouth. 

The ventilator tubing blows oxygen-rich air into the lungs. This inhaled air passes through the humidifier, which keeps the air warm and moist. The ventilation unit helps maintain constant pressure inside the lungs. 

The Use of Medical Ventilators?

The purpose of a ventilator depends upon the patient’s health conditions. Here are a few conditions when the patient requires ventilation-

  1. Ventilation for Surgery

When patients are given general anaesthesia during surgery, they require ventilation support. A ventilator assists the lungs to ensure smooth airflow in and out of the body. 

  1. Ventilator for Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure is when patients cannot get enough oxygen or remove carbon dioxide. Breathing becomes extremely difficult, and they need additional support from ventilation. 

  1. Brain Stroke

Some health conditions not related to the lungs also cause respiratory issues. They are related to the brain, the central organ that controls everything. When patients suffer from brain injury or stroke, they need ventilation. 

Ventilators are very important medical devices that help patients breathe during critical health conditions. They provide complete breathing support to patients in the ICU. 

KR Lynch & Co is a reputed name offering medical devices, surgical equipment, and hospital equipment. We have been dealing with medical equipment for over 100 years. Customers trust us for reliable products, competitive pricing, and customer support. Please send us your requirements or contact us for further information. 


Criteria to Consider In Choosing the Best Medical Ventilator for a Hospital

In today’s fast-paced healthcare landscape, choosing the right medical ventilator for hospitals is a major decision. A perfect ventilator will impact the patient’s care and comfort. If you plan to buy medical equipment for your hospital, consider getting help from Medical Ventilators Dealers in Kolkata.

When choosing a dealer for a medical ventilator, you need to consider some additional factors. Let’s explore those points in brief here. 

The Factors to Keep In Mind When Choosing Medical Ventilators

  1. Patient’s Health Conditions

Different patients need different ventilators. Babies, adults, and elderly patients have specific respiratory needs. Hence, choose the ventilator that caters to their needs. 

  1. Adaptable Respiratory Support

Before buying the ventilator, you need to assess the machine’s capability. It should be adaptable to different medical conditions. The equipment should have different customised settings for patients’ tidal volume, pressure and respiratory rate. 

  1. Checking the Functions

You need to check the machine’s functionality, such as its capability to offer different ventilation modes, ease of operation, and compatibility with other medical devices in the room. 

  1. Safety Measures

Checking the safety measures of the equipment is very important. The machine should have built-in alarms indicating low or high pressure, disconnection facility and power shortage. It should also have safety valves, infection control measures and monitoring parameters for proper diagnosis.

  1. Carry out Pre-operational Checking

Before you connect this medical equipment with the patient, do a pre-operational check. It is very important to ensure patient safety and the effectiveness of the ventilator. The modern ventilators come with single-click automatic testing that reduces the time spent on manual checking. 

  1. Checking the Technical Specifications

Ventilators are backed up with technologies like compressed-based, turbine-based, and piston-based mechanisms. Check the pros and cons of each technology separately before choosing the unit. Also, the machine’s noise levels, precision, and maintenance must be checked.

  1. Different Ventilation Modes

Check out ventilators that offer various ventilation modes, such as volume control, pressure control, and pressure support. All these modes provide flexibility in fulfilling the patient’s requirements. Buy the equipment with built-in tools, which will make the functionalities smooth and save time. These are major factors to check while ordering medical ventilators. 

KR Lynch & Co. is a trusted name in medical devices, surgical equipment, and hospital equipment. With 100+ years of experience in this industry, we offer reliable products at competitive rates. Contact us for further information. 


Interesting Facts About Medical Ventilators – Types and Uses

Interesting Facts About Medical Ventilators - Types and Uses

Medical Ventilators

Medical ventilators are a boon for the patients and the healthcare industry. It is a life-saving tool for people suffering from acute respiratory problems. So, if a patient is unable to breathe, then it is the medical ventilator that might save the day. It allows the airflow to enter the patient’s lungs and allow them to breathe freely.

To know more about this life-saving equipment, read on.

How does a medical ventilator work?

Is the patient unable to breathe on their own? Are the patients undergoing some respiratory problems? Under such grave circumstances, the doctors use medical ventilators to save the patient’s life. The work of the ventilator is to forcefully push the air mixed with oxygen into the patient’s lungs.

Unlike other types of machines, a ventilator is a life-supporting machine generally used for patients in the intensive care units of hospitals. In simple words, the ventilators act as external lungs for the individual.

With the help of the external airflow, the patient gets oxygen inside the body and within the blood flow. This helps the patient eliminate stress and keeps the other organs working while the doctor performs the rest of the treatment.

What are the different types of medical ventilators?

Invasive ventilation

In this process, the tube is inserted into the patient’s lung or the trachea, or a hole is made in the neck to insert the ventilator. With the help of these ventilators, the patients generally start breathing. However, in this case, the patients depend on the ventilator for breathing support.

Non-invasive ventilation

In this process, ventilation is provided to the patient without inserting any tubes within the body. In this case, generally, a face mask or a nasal mask is placed on the nose and mouth of the patient, and the patient is allowed to breathe gradually using the same.

When is the ventilator used?

Ventilators are generally used for patients of all ages. You’ll find doctors using a ventilator during the surgery. Especially during general anaesthesia, a non-invasive ventilator does the job of helping patients breathe and help in air circulation within the blood.

Again, for patients who are recovering from surgery, non-invasive ventilation is a major boon. It helps them to breathe without exerting force on their lungs or other internal organs.

Contact K R Lynch & Co for the best quality medical ventilators and other surgical and medical equipment. We supply hygienic, dependable and affordable medical equipment to different hospitals.

To get an idea of our range of medical products, contact us.



When Is a Ventilator Needed and What Does It Do?

When Is a Ventilator Needed and What Does It Do?

ECG Machine

A gadget called a medical ventilator aids in the functioning of your lungs. If you have a medical condition that affects your ability to breathe correctly or when you cannot breathe on your own, this device may save your life.

A ventilator aids in forcing air into and out of the lungs so that your body can receive the oxygen it requires. You could put on a fitting mask to help deliver oxygen from the ventilator into your lungs. Or, if the severity of your disease warrants it, a ventilator may be placed down your neck to oxygenate your lungs.
Ventilators are most frequently used in hospitals. A physician or respiratory therapist will manage the quantity of oxygen injected into your lungs.

What makes a ventilator necessary?

Respiratory failure is the medical term for being unable to breathe correctly and is a serious emergency.

Your brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and other organs won’t be able to perform as they should if they don’t receive enough oxygen. You can acquire the oxygen your organs require by using a ventilator.

How long should you use a ventilator?

If a ventilator is required during surgery, it is typical that you will  use it only when you are in a snooze state. This could last anywhere from a few seconds to a few more hours.

You could use a ventilator for several hours, days, weeks, or even longer if you need one for a medical reason. It varies depending on how long your lungs take to develop strength and independence.

What to anticipate on a ventilator?

It can be exceedingly painful to be on a ventilator while awake, especially if it includes a breathing tube through your throat. While attached to the ventilator, you cannot speak, eat, or move about.


If you’re on a ventilator, your doctor may prescribe medication to make you feel more at ease and relaxed. This lessens the trauma of using a ventilator. The most typical medications administered to patients on a ventilator are as follows:
Painkillers, sedatives, muscle relaxants and sleep aids.
These substances frequently lead to disorientation and sleepiness. Once you stop taking them, the symptoms will fade. Once you’ve finished using the ventilator, you won’t require more medication.

 KR Lynch is a prominent name in the medical equipment supply industry. We are one of the top Medical Ventilators Dealers in Kolkata.


Few Situations Where a Patient is Put Under Ventilation in Home

Few Situations Where a Patient is Put Under Ventilation in Home

ECG Machine

A Ventilator is a vital piece of equipment in the medical field. It is like an artificial breathing article for critical condition patients. The patients may lose their natural ability to inhale air due to acute medical conditions. The ventilator helps to supply oxygen-rich air to the patient’s body.

The Multiple Uses of a Ventilator:

Though a Ventilator is primarily found in a Hospital, it can also be used in the home. This can be helpful for those who are referred for home treatment from the hospital. All one needs is to find a trusted medical ventilator dealer in Kolkata. They can supply the best quality equipment.

Medical Conditions Where A Patient Needs Ventilator

There are various medical conditions where a patient may need ventilation at home. These are discussed elaborately in this blog.

  • Asthma: Patients with asthma need a constant supply of fresh Oxygen. For this reason, they should have a medical ventilator in their home. Severe asthma attacks can affect the respiratory system of the patient greatly. In some situations, the inhalers may not be able to provide proper help. To get enough Oxygen, the patient may be put on a ventilator.
  • Stroke: Brain attacks or stroke is another medical condition that can cease the supply of Oxygen-rich blood in the system. This supply disruption may cause thrombosis or blood clots, which may bring death. If the breathing process is affected by a brain stroke, the patient will need artificial respiration. For this reason, the family should keep a ventilator handy.
  • Coma: It is a medical state where a patient remains unconscious for a long period. This may last a few hours to a few years or even decades. It is impossible to keep the patient in the hospital for that long, and they would be referred back home. The patient needs a constant artificial Oxygen supply to ensure a proper breathing process. This goal can be accomplished by a ventilator.
  • Surgeries: Sometimes, a patient needs additional Oxygen support during critical surgery. An uninterrupted breathing procedure is a vital requirement here. In these situations, the Surgeon may take the help of a Ventilator.

There are few reliable solutions like a Medical Ventilator to supply additional breathing support to the patient. One should get it from a reputable medical ventilator dealer in Kolkata. KR Lynch & Co is a bankable name that can provide top quality Ventilators. They have years of experience in manufacturing these articles. For more details, one can visit their website.